Even if you have a marketing company working on your website, it is still important to conduct regular website audits to ensure that your site is performing optimally and meeting your business goals. Here are a few reasons why:
- Identify issues: A website audit can help identify technical issues or areas for improvement that may not have been identified by the marketing company. For example, the audit may uncover broken links or outdated content that needs to be addressed.
- Improve performance: An audit can help identify areas where the website can be optimized to improve its search engine rankings and user experience. This can lead to increased traffic and conversions for the website.
- Stay up-to-date: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s important to ensure that your website is keeping up with the latest best practices. An audit can help identify any areas where the website may be falling behind and suggest ways to stay ahead of the competition.
- Enhance collaboration: By conducting a website audit, you can get a better understanding of the current state of your website and identify any areas where the marketing company can provide additional support. This can enhance the collaboration between you and your marketing team and help ensure that the website is meeting your business goals.
Overall, a website audit is a valuable tool for helping you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your website and identifying opportunities for improvement.
For an in-depth reason on why it’s important to audit your website, even if you have a marketer, read the case study: Significant Drop in Calls from Customers – SEO Case Study Here’s a preview of the case study – the graph shows a tank in website traffic that was revealed during a website audit.