Your business portrait headshot is in more places than you realize. Once you have a new headshot, it’s time to put it out there to the world. Clients come to us from different channels so it’s important that you have a good headshot everywhere people might be searching for your type of product or service. There are over 2 dozen places you can put your headshot.
List of places to put your headshot:
- Your Website
- About Page
- Products/Services Page
- Slack
- YouTube
- Other Social Media
- Email Main / Signature
- Specialty Websites
- Job Proposals
- Brochures
- Promotional Materials
- Business Cards
- Newsletters
- Podcast
- Ebooks / Books
- Digital Ads / Banners
- Magazine Ads
- Blog Posts
- Guest Blogger
- Comments on Blogs
- Meetup
- Reviews